
Hunting trip, Part 1

On September 28th, Lauri wrote:
"We are just home from our hunting adventure in the arctic wilderness, and I have to say it was the most fantastic trip of my life! Happily it coincided with Greg's and my 17th anniversary as well.
The country we were in was incredibly beautiful, the wildlife amazing, and the Northern lights spectacular. It was 15 hours driving to our camping spot and nearly 900 miles straight north of home. Being on your own in the wilderness with no one to call for assistance was a feeling of freedom, better than Thoreau, so close to neighbors, could have imagined. Just fantastic.

I will be sending pictures in sections. I still can only see the excitement I felt when I was there taking them, so you will all have to bear the bad ones.
Tonight is a grand mosaic autumn hillside on the way north from Fairbanks, and the mighty Yukon river--- Wow. Greg has good male genes and so most of these were taken from a speeding truck at 60mph -- only so many rest stops allowed per day! The last, is the ubiquitous Transalaskan Oil Pipeline, which is why the road was built in the late 70s.

Hope you enjoy sharing my adventure!"

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